One of the innumerable reasons to ♡♡♡ Japan (if you already don't) is the fact that you get to celebrate Halloween TWICE a year! .~*・°☆
So while you are just getting into the Halloween spirit, I have been riding along with the fear festival since August when the Japanese celebrate Obon (お盆). Obon is basically a similar idea to Halloween - spirits of the deceased returning to walk the Earth - except that Obon normally lasts several days whereas Halloween is just that one night stand. So you ride the Obon wave in until the end of August, then find yourself wading around in shallow waters for a week or two in September waiting for that next Big One to start building up just beyond the horizon. Before you know it, the Halloween waves start rolling in and you are back out surfing for those bigger, deeper, darker scares. ♡
In anticipation of such joyous events and previous to the first kaidan release (see previous post), I have compiled a list of potential translations to usher in "part two" of the season. All are in Japanese, all previously untranslated.
So just to wet your whistle, our potential candidates are as follows...
♡ 師匠シリーズ:三人目の大人, "Master Series: The Third Person"
♡ 鍵穴の向こうの赤, "The Crimson on the Farside of the Keyhole"
♡ 師匠シリーズ:海, "Master Series: The Sea"
♡ 猫町, "Cat Town"
♡ 婦人の黒猫, "Madame Vauson's Black Cat"
♡ お下がり, "Handme-downs"
♡ 死の連鎖メール, "Chain-mails of Death"
♡ 夢に誘われる, "Invitation From a Dream"
If there are any in the above list of which you have information about and want those in particular translated or a story just sounds interesting from the title OR you feel tantalized by a title and would like some more info....
drop a note in the comment box.
Those will get first dibs.
Stay tuned and happy listening~! (^_-)-☆
All translations copyrighted and owned by myself. All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.
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