Previously, we looked at color associations with fear in
Skittles! Taste the Rainbow of... Terror?
Recently though, I was inspired by another theme, ROOMS.
Not houses.
because haunted houses haven't been done to death or anything.
Bright, well-furnished rooms.
Dingy, dark rooms.
But all of them, unequivocally, creepy rooms.
I can only work in English and Japanese so those are the two cultures I will be working in. So far my list, in no particular order, is as follows:
♡ Stephanie's Room (audio link) - who says you can never go home again? creepily demented in a happy, cheerful sorta way.
♡ The Occupant of the Room (audio link, text link) - as if hotel rooms weren't filled with enough creepy, crawly unseen things.
♡ The Room in the Tower (audio link, text link) - dreams and "reality" mix to create a haunting, unsettling piece, aka. nightmare fodder.
♡ The Yellow Wallpaper (audio link, text link) - disturbing enough in the original text yet made even more so by the brilliant execution of the reader.
♡ The Red Room (audio link, text link) - rather mild mannered, but a classic.
♡ Number 13 (audio link, text link) - how can you not have a bunch of room-themed ghost stories without at least one reference to the magic number "13"?!
♡ The Other Wing (audio link, text link) - horror is sure to follow where children are involved.
If you have read the above or can suggest others in either language, we would love to hear of them!
list last updated 2011/08/15
Thanks for visiting!
Stay tuned and happy listening. (^_-)-☆
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