I got all excited and ran over there only to see this:
【Girls' Navi】休刊のお知らせ
That would figure. I finally hear about something I think might be new and interesting to share and I'm a day late and a dollar short. The IM official site also relates that the regular column in the back cleverly entitled 「IM@nia」is suspended for this release. Naturally, since that was the last release. Why make the effort.
They do not seem to have ever offered an online version; although that would be probably have been cheaper and not resulted in a "cessation of publication notice". So if anyone has a copy and can scan it in for us, that would be a wonderful New Year's gift. Not belated or anything.
At any rate, stay tuned and happy listening~! (^_-)-☆
Maybe it will turn up eventually. Somewhere.
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