
Alice? Radio: ☆LIVE EVENT☆

March 29, 2009!!!

Announcing the live recording event, 「Honeyed invitation」

*DATE: March 29, 2009 (Sunday), Two showings planned
*PLACE: Kudan Kaikan, Main Hall
*TICKETS: sales date and price currently not set (see below)
*HOST: Marine Entertainment

Present at the recording will be the following cast members from the Are You Alice? series:
平田広明(イカレ帽子屋役)~ Hirata Hiroaki ♡♡ (Mad Hatter)
井上和彦(チェシャ猫役)~ Inoue Kazuhiko ♡♡♡ (Cheshire Cat)
藤原啓治(眠りネズミ役) ~ Fujiwara Keiji (Dormouse)
森久保祥太郎(白ウサギ役) ~ Morikubo Shoutarou (White Rabbit)
大川透(ハートの女王役) ~ Ookawa Tooru (Queen of Hearts)

☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・° ADDENDUM ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°

The following is updated information from the OFFICIAL EVENT SITE.

*DATE: March 29, 2009 (Sunday), Two showings planned.
-> FIRST SHOW: door opens @ 2:30 PM
show starts @ 3:30 PM
show ends @ 5:00 PM
-> SECOND SHOW: door opens @ 6:00 PM
show starts @ 7:00 PM
show ends @ 8:30 PM

*TICKETS: 5500 Yen with tax. All seats reserved.

Stay tuned and happy listening~! (^_-)-☆

All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.
All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.


「AZ」, 彡★ revisted ★彡

{sound of lock?revolver? being wound.}

Little Red Riding Hood:
Once upon a time, at the edge of a peaceful village lived a young girl.
Everyone called her "red riding hood" because of how wonderful she looked in the red velvet hood that her dear grandmother had made for her. However one day red riding hood took beside herself when she heard that her grandmother had taken to bed ill. So red riding hood, putting cheese and bread, and scarlet red wine in her basket, decided to visit her sick grandmother who lived deep in the forest.
"There's a bad wolf that lives in the forest. You mus'nt speak with him."
Will red riding hood obey her mother's warning and safely reach her grandmother's house?

{footsteps on dry fallen leaves}

I don't think it's possible. Mother. Because I love him.

{footsteps continue}

Wolf: Hey, little red riding hood. Won't you play with me?

「AZ」, Darkness - The Grimm FairyTales 201, 00:00 - 01:45

[ Summary ]
The town that continues to grow and the forest caught in the past.
For all unfavorable incidents, their truth is distorted then thrown out in to the forest where they are reborn as "The Grimm Fairytales". The townspeople forget about those incidents and pass on the Grimm tales-their incoherent days spent pleasantly in peace.
A young boy, having lost both his parents and his older brother, searching after the truth, heads into the forest. He pulls a scarlet hood deep down over his eyes and carries in his basket a bottle of wine and a gun. To kill his brother who has become the Big, Bad Wolf. However, what he meets in the forest and the actual wolf that appeared in the fairytale "Red Riding Hood" are...?

[ Cast ]
保志総一朗 ~ Hoshi Souichirou as Red Riding Hood
能登麻美子 ~ Noto Mamiko as Little Red Riding Hood
平田広明 ~ Hirata Hiroaki as the Wolf ♡♡
加瀬康之 ~ Kase Kouji as the Hunter
石田彰 ~ Ishida Akira as the Older Brother
浅川悠 ~ Asakawa Yuu as the Harlot
辻桃子 ~ Tsuji Momoko as the Foster Mother

[ Track list ]
Darkness - The Grimm FairyTales 201
The Forest - Ehrenberg
The Town - Brother
The Wolf - Little Red Riding Hood
Red - The Grimm FairyTales 202

[ Author ・ Scenario Writer ]
二宮愛 ~ Ninomiya Ai
加藤千穂美 ~ Katou Chihomi

[ Release Date ]

☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・° COMMENTS ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°

OMG was this amazingly fabulous!!!!
Run out and buy it NOW!
Seriously, much like the IM production 11, Twilight Suicide, I listened to this twice in FULL the day I acquired it.
It has elements of that mild distortion paired with lingering sadness feel from Captain Hook and an unbalanced sense of reality/truth like the Are You Alice? series.

Can't wait for the next one!!
(Very likely to be a series. See forthcoming translation about this from the official LOCO site HERE..)

Stay tuned and happy listening~! (^_-)-☆

All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.
All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.


KIRI 「霧」, anthem two

Naturally, I don't have it yet. That's OK. I am patient. (Alright, that was an outright lie.) I will be in South Korea soon enough and you had better believe that with my first pay check I am heading straight to the bookshop and placing an order for this. In the meantime, I was able to collect some information.

霧 -the route of infection KANARIA. ansem:02

[ Summary ]
KIRI - the route of infection KANARIA. Anthem:02

Who should be protected? The girl? The world?
Who should be loved? The world? The girl?

On the condition that she be allowed to live as a normal human, Kiri, in order to protect the world from the global infectious virus "bird cage" hides the "world memories" within her own body.

A world loved by the virus. A world that continues to reject the virus.
Before long, the world, while eating away at the memories of the girl without a free spirit, begins to fall in love.

[ Cast ]
三木眞一郎 ~ Miki Shinichirou ♡♡♡
鈴村健一 ~ Suzumura Kenichi
平田広明 ~ Hirata Hiroaki ♡♡
櫻井孝宏 ~ Sakurai Takahiro ♡♡
かないみか ~ Kanai Mika
青野武 ~ Aono Takeshi

[ Track list ]
1. KAINOPHOBIA‐ The birdcage for a dead master.
2. KALEIDOSCOPE‐ The proper way for you and the world to exist
3. KAFKA‐ Second Contact
4. KOUNOTORI‐ Balfour
5. KATAHANE‐ Dear bird, without a fall.

[ Author ・ Scenario Writer ]
二宮愛 ~ Ninomiya Ai

[ Release Date ]

☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・° COMMENTS ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°

I have been bravely ignoring other people's reviews of this so as not to spoil any surprises.
Random thoughts as I type this...
IM sure loves the Christmas season release date.
I hope they release a soundtrack like they have for the Are You Alice? series.

And as I said before, this story is just starting. IM continues to provide a lot of background information which I will be translating and posting for you in the future weeks. In the meantime, you can find general series information here.

Stay tuned and happy listening~! (^_-)-☆

All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.
All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.



Talking... body parts.
This is really really good.

Chinko no Tsubuyaki

Chintsubu 01
[ Summary ]

Chintsubu 02
[ Summary ]
高校生4人と3本のつぶやくちんこ達が繰り広げるギャグコメディ! あの話題の人気作品のドラマCD第2弾がついに登場! 原作者は人気作家の大和名瀬。ドラマは、発売中のコミックスと商業誌未収録作品をまとめた内容です。
綾瀬のことが好きな取手は、修学旅行のバスで隣の席に座れ楽しい旅行になるはずだったが、みんなが乗ったバスが事故に巻き込まれてしまう。意識不明の重体になった取手だったが、バスが突っ込んだ珍古神社の祟りのせいか、なんと綾瀬の股間の分身に取り憑いてしまった! 取手は綾瀬の股間から、綾瀬に告白をし晴れて付き合うことに。一方、同じ事故に巻き込まれた犬猿の仲の神谷と岩淵まで、互いの分身が入れ替わってしまっていて――!

Chintsubu 03
[ Summary ]
修学旅行中に起きたバス事故で、意識不明の重体となった取手は、なんと想い人・綾瀬の分身に取り憑いた! かたや犬猿の仲の岩淵と神谷もお互いのモノが入れ替わってしまい…。悩みながらも案外楽しく、そしてちょっぴりキュンとする関係を続ける少年4人と分身3 本。綾瀬と取手のバカップル度は過激さを増し、岩淵と神谷の仲は超接近。そして災難だらけの取手には新たな受難が…。常識を越えた可愛さと面白さ、つぶやくちんこ達が織り成す、愛と苦悩と笑いの青春疾走ストーリー!

Absolutely no chance of translations this time. For some reason it's OK to read it in Japanese, but I get all red and embarassed just thinking about how I am supposed to phrase these things. Sorry!

[ Cast ]
置鮎龍太郎 ~ Okiayu Ryoutarou ♡♡
宮田幸季 ~ Miyata Kouki
遊佐浩二 ~ Yusa Kouji
櫻井孝宏 ~ Sakurai Takahiro ♡♡
岸尾大輔 ~ Kishio Daisuke
沢海陽子 ~ Soumi Youko
木内秀信 ~ Kiuchi Hidenobu
大畑伸太郎 ~ Oohata Shintarou
加瀬康之 ~ Kase Yasuyuki
川上未遊 ~ Kawakami Miyuu
小林ゆう ~ Kobayashi Yuu

[ Pairing ]
Okiayu Ryoutarou x Miyata Kouki
Yusa Kouji x Sakurai Takahiro

[ Author ・ Scenario Writer ]
大和名瀬 ~ Yamato Nase

[ Release Date ]

☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・° COMMENTS ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°

Do not listen to in bed. You will fall out from laughing too hard.
This is seriously, as one person put it - EXTREME CRACK.
It is just so far out there... There are no words to describe this. Don't get me wrong; it is great fun. I recommend it highly. Easy listening, a mood lifter if you will. Nothing heavy, but nothing you want to listen to in a public bus or before bed time.

Stay tuned and happy listening~! (^_-)-☆

All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.
All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner./span>



I decided to introduce this series in one post because there's not much to say about it. Not that it is bad quality or anything, just it is what it is - a very well-acted but typical BL Drama. There are more novels that continue the story, about four to date. There may even be more CDs to come given the huge lag time betwen release of part one (Yuuzai) and part two (Genzai).


[ Summary for Yuuzai ]
桜井透也は念願の売れっ子ミステリー作家・穂高櫂の担当編集に抜擢される。だが会社命令で予定より早く本を出すことに…。気難しい穂高を説得するうち、透也は原稿と交換条件に穂高と肉体関係をもってしまう。仕事のための恥ずべき行為が躯が感じてくるにつれ、透也は次第に戸惑いと苦しさを感じはじめて―…? 甘く切ないラブストーリー...


[ Summary for Genzai ]

[ Cast ]
小杉十郎太 ~ Kosugi Jurouta ♡♡♡ 
井上和彦 ~ Inoue Kazuhiko ♡♡
緑川 光 ~ Midorikawa Hikaru
長沢美樹 ~ Nagasawa Miki
深見梨加 ~ Fukami Rika

[ Pairing ]
Kosugi Juurouta x Midorikawa Hikaru

[ Author ・ Scenario Writer ]
和泉桂 ~ Izumi Katsura

[ Release Date ]
2005/07/22 {Yuuzai}
2008/02/29 {Genzai}

☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・° COMMENTS ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°

As much as I love Kosugi-seme - what a voice - he comes off as really flat this time. It's not a fault of Kosugi's voice acting though; it's the character he is portraying. So in a roundabout way to say Kosugi sounds flat and lifeless is a compliment. His character is not able to associate normally with people merely because he never learned how so he comes off as distant and uninterested in others. Unemotional to sum it up in one word. And Kosugi carries it off beautifully.

Midorikawa plays the younger uke and he does a great job, too. I'm not in particular a fan of Midorin, but I can't see anyone else fitting this part as well as he does. I only wish Kazuhiko had a larger role.

Oh, and in case you were hanging on wondering... LOTS of smex. Yet they manage to work in a lot of smex without turning it into a completely PWP drama like Big Gun wo Motsu Otoko. o.o

Anyway, back to packing.
Stay tuned and happy listening~! (^_-)-☆

All translations copyrighted and owned by myself.
All copyrights of their respective owners. No part of this web site may be produced, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the copyright owner.